Kindness Club
Kindness is my superpower!
We are SO excited to present the Kindness Club to Snow Horse Elementary—a program where EVERYONE (adults and kids) is a member. We will start learning different attributes each month that teach all of us to be kinder. Here is a tentative schedule of the attributes:
Be Respectful (Sept)
Be Accepting (Oct)
Be Patient (Nov/Dec)
Be Helpful (Jan)
Be Aware of Others (Feb)
Be a Good Friend (Mar)
Random Acts of Kindness (Apr/May)
Each month, we will focus on one attribute. At the beginning of each month, the students will receive a bookmark that includes the new attribute, what it means, some at school and at home challenges that teach them about the attribute, and a list of books that can be read (hopefully some of them are available in the school library).
We hope this will be a positive program for students, teachers, and parents!
We are providing Kindness Club bracelets for all students/staff at Snow Horse. They can wear these every day to remind them that they are a part of the Kindness club and to work on challenges.
We will also be providing the bookmarks for the first attribute Be Respectful. Please make sure each student receives one of these as well. If we have miscounted, please contact Mrs. Flynn to get extras.
Each month teachers will nominate two students that have really exemplified this attribute for the monthly kindness award. We want to recognize the great things-like kindness-that are happening at Snow Horse!
Thank you parents and teachers for helping us to support this program! We are hoping this is a program that can be talked about frequently at school! As we see more and more online challenges encouraging kids to have reckless behavior or both online and in person behavior encouraging bullying - we hope that our voice for kindness is louder in the ears of our Snow Horse Colts.